Here is the Lyfeblood’s media panel presenting G-COM radio podcast. Hosted by founder Nova Phoenix, the podcast is presented mainly through iHeartRadio but you can also experience the show on Spotify, iTunes, SoundCloud and more. LB media panel is also open to serious journalists/bloggers who would like a place to share their own works through vlogs, blogs, etc. It’s about sharing information in news, current events, politics, music, art, etc. Let’s this be a corner where the lyfer community and the world can be exposed to knowledge, insight and forward-thinking ideas.

For Those Stuck in Life… Get on a Treadmill.
How has things been since my last blog? Yes, I’ve been busy with life both personal and professional. Everything I’m doing today is no different from any other moment in my past but I’ve learned […]

America’s Workforce: Facing a Change We’re Not Prepared For.
Throughout human history, people have always worked. We had to build our homes, plant our crops and develop our small communities. The full expression of the industrial revolution(s) metamorphosed our sense of work. As people […]

What Does Colin Kaepernick’s Free Agency Say About Us?
Whenever people want to get away from the woes of society, they turn to a few escapisms. People escape through music, movies and, well, sports. What a way to avoid, just for a moment, to […]

Home. The Movie Theater of the Future
Do you remember the time when a movie and dinner was the default activity for young couples? Buy a ticket, watch the trailers, eat your popcorn and enjoy your time for the next hour and […]

Thinking Back to Nate Parker’s “Birth of A Nation”
A few months ago, I saw The Birth of a Nation with some friends at BAM cinema. I had to see it. A friend called me and said it was something that we, as […]

Living as the “Other”: Lee Daniels presents Truth or Death
On Monday afternoon, I was invited to a press conference with Tyrese Gibson and Lee Daniels on the latest episode of Star. Empire co-creator Lee Daniels crafted another Fox series about 3 young ladies fighting the […]

3 Indicators of a Changing World: The Hope and Hurt
Human beings are at a major fork in the road in our personal development. Our story begins at the dawn of early human time when humans first used a tool to improve her condition wherever […]

5 Steps to Save Hip-Hop (and all music) in the Digital Age
Since the tragic event involving Troy Ave at Irving Plaza, it hit me again that Hip-Hop is slowly becoming it’s own worst enemy. It is eating itself alive by the very people who claim to […]

Welcome to Lyfeblood
Welcome to all, is here! The full expression has been in the making for over 10 years and now it is time to make it a reality. This is the start of a new […]