Welcome to all, Lyfeblood.com is here! The full expression has been in the making for over 10 years and now it is time to make it a reality. This is the start of a new day for all who seek an alternative to what society expects of us. The answer starts with you; it starts with a choice to do something different.
We are living in trying times. This was made clear on election night 2016 where you have a divide of opinion almost perfect right down the middle. The question many have asked is: Where do we go from here? That’s up to you and everyone else who feels drained, frustrated, tired and plain fed up. What steps are willing to take to find out who you really are and how you fit in to this world. It’s going to take courage and will, but we’ve been courageous and willful since the early days of humanity.
One morning, while waiting in line to get breakfast, I overheard a short conversation from a customer talking to the store clerk. The lady said she was just getting over a major operation and after a short period of time, she was forced to get back to work. She was seriously upset. She picked up her items and walked out the store restless with her reality. It was time to slave away for someone else for 40/50/60 hours a week again! It was less time for recovery, less time for her family, less time to figure out what her next step in life would be. We have become the very drones they expertly trained us to be. I can relate. I, myself, have dealt with this situation.
Lyfeblood.com is here to break that cycle of blind obedience. We want to live and explore ourselves in a way that will open our minds to greater possibilities. Out of the many disciplines in science, technology, engineering, and the arts, let’s start to refocus and reenvision how we all want to live in this world.
The Inspired Thoughts section will not just be me expressing my thoughts, but special guests in varying fields of interest highlighting their ideas, inventions and insights. Sometimes ideas or inspiration can come from people we least expect. Isn’t that the way most of discoveries happen in human history? So what do you say? Let’s go somewhere we have never been before. Create a new society out of this adventure. Talk, share and support each other financially. Let’s create the forums, think tanks, cooperative circles and do what we are here to do. Evolve.
Love and respect,
Nova Phoenix