Become a Lyfer
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What is a lyfer? A lyfer is a forward-thinker, a dreamer, a visionary, an inventor, a motivator and a thought-provoker. A lyfer is all these things and more. If you believe that you are more than what you are. You’re right. If you believe what you’re doing is not what you want to be. You’re right! If you know your surroundings is limiting your personal growth. You’re right! We all have the potential to be great. We just have to create surroundings that encourage our positive growth; Be what you dream to be. Sign up and be a lyfer. Be free.
Latest Projects
Whatever your passion is as a lyfer, you can create projects to show your network what you have been working on in your life. Do you have a new breakthrough invention? Are you scheduling a speaking engagement on your idea? Do you have a concert happening with your new music? By showing your dedication, you can warm people to donate in order to further your goals as a lyfer. These projects are a tool to recognize each other's true potential.
There are currently no active projects.