G-COM radio Ep. 47: Tekashi 69 The Wild Snitch | How Bout Them Kurds | The N Word

In this episode, I talk about Takashi 69 getting a 10 million dollar deal after his release from custody. Is this a trick on the culture? In the 2nd segment, I talk about the importance of the Kurds issue in America. It’s not going to go the way you think in this segment and lastly, I speak on the staying power of the N word in the African-American community.

Artists: Devan Bernard w/ “Kickin’ It” (IG: @thedevanbernard), Trynket w/ “Picture In My Brain” (IG: @trynketmusic), Kooley High w/ “Never Come Down” (IG: @kooleyhighnc)

GCOM radio can be located on iHeartRadio, Lyfeblood.com, streaming devices and all streaming services

Music provided by: Chuki Beats: http://www.youtube.com/user/CHUKImusic

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